Following The Oregon Trail Day Three: Beyond Fort Laramie – The Guernsey Ruts

June 27, 2023

The Guernsey Ruts. So called because of their proximity to Guernsey, Wyoming which is just west of Fort Laramie.  I have been looking for wagon ruts throughout this trip, and have not found any until now. Many guidebooks and websites stated that you could see ruts here and there, and I would catch a glimpse of them while driving, but these are the first actual wagon ruts I have seen. These ruts were cut into solid rock after thousands of wagons had passed over them again and again.


2 responses to “Following The Oregon Trail Day Three: Beyond Fort Laramie – The Guernsey Ruts”

  1. RD Scally Avatar
    RD Scally

    Cool stuff JW!

    1. jaywally Avatar

      Thx Bob!